Directions to Brizo Uphill Residences

  1. Starting Point: Camp Holiday Resort & Recreation Area, Babak, Samal, Davao del Norte

    • From Camp Holiday, head east along the main road (Babak-Samal-Kaputian Road) toward the direction of Barangay Sto. Niño.

  2. Travel Along Babak-Samal-Kaputian Road

    • Continue straight for approximately 4.5 kilometers, passing notable landmarks such as residential areas and local shops.

  3. Turn Right at the Junction to Sto. Niño

    • Upon reaching the Sto. Niño junction, turn right and follow the ascending road that leads uphill.

  4. Arriving at Brizo Uphill Residences

    • Proceed for around 1 kilometer uphill. You’ll notice signage directing you to Brizo Uphill Residences.

    • The location provides a scenic view of the surroundings, ensuring you’re near your destination.

How to get there?